60.4% of companies are working on work style reform
- “Introduction of satellite office and work from home,” and “Approval for second jobs”rank high for future initiatives - A “work style...

Economic DI worsened for the third month in a row, with sluggish year-end demand
~ Domestic economy has entered a recession phase, with manufacturing industry’s continuing downturn ~ (Companies researched: 23,652;...

44.1% of companies consider it should be implemented as scheduled, but antagonize those with negativ
- About half of companies responded, “There will be no last-minute demand.” - Although the consumption tax rate was supposed to be raised...

Domestic economy has worsened for seven months in a row
- While deterioration in manufacturing continues, last-minute demand appeared in part of the retail (Companies researched: 23,632; Valid...

Less than 50% of companies intend to formulate a BCP
- Intention to formulate a BCP tends to be high in areas where a large earthquake is predicted - Companies are required to minimize the...